One of the amazing things about nature is it's sheer consistency! Season follows season, creatures depend on each other for survival, weather patterns fluctuate but seemingly within certain boundaries, the world's rivers refresh it's oceans, plant life replenishes useable oxygen sources, throughout their life cycles, vegetation and creatures of all sorts re-fertilize earth's soil, sunlight stimulates all life forms and on it goes. A vast array of examples illustrating the fact the everything and everybody rely on something or somebody to help get the job done!
The evolutionary model of origins insists that all this by chance, that the countless checks and balances we observe, are there, not because of design but because of good fortune and co-incidence. Evolutionary theory proposes really that the laws of science upon which we depend for our survival, are actually no laws at all. Instead, we can merely say they appear to have worked on our behalf thus far, but may in fact crumble at any time, since they are governed by no higher control, no guiding hand, no thoughtful intelligence. If the Theory of Evolution sounds like a precarious state of affairs, that's because it is.
That this unpredictability has not had it's way recently on a massive scale ought to tell us that perhaps evolutionists are missing the point. The laws, the balances, the inter dependancies that we observe ought to make them think that perhaps they are ignoring the most obvious and rational explanation of life - that all of it has a Creator. Someone who placed the order there. Someone who designed the intricacies and Who keeps it all ticking over for purposes He is more than willing to tell us about.
Some evolutionists have come up with a neat way to "keep us sweet" and to encourage intelligent folk to continue along with the evolutionary proposition, despite its' concepts having more holes than an extra large Swiss cheese. The trick card played has been to personalize Nature. This curve ball is like a great emotional panacea to us humans, suggesting to us that there is after all a benign overseeing personality ensuring the continuation of life as we know it: a bit brutally perhaps at times, but ultimately with our best interests at heart.
But what an odd proposal this is! Evolutionists have staked everything on no such a personality existing! Evolutionism has banked on chance mutations we cannot replicate, big bangs we were not around to see, primordial soups we have no evidence for and, further back, nothing at all - as being the foundation of everything, until it suits it to bring us back under it's spell by the alluring thought of the firm but sure guiding hand of Nature leading us all safely forward. What a clever psychological trick! Evolutionists can have their cake, eat it and whip it out of their back pocket to sell on the corner to us again tomorrow.
The more plausible explanation is much more straight forward : In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Simple. So simple, that millions miss it. And this God, this Creator, is good and purposeful and cares about what's going on with His creation. He has permanently invested Himself in our futures. He has done away with the hindrances of our personal past and has a permanent destiny for everyone within earshot. The only question really, is whether we will turn and DO something about it or whether we are hell-bent (literally) on our own self-destruction. The choice is ours. In the meantime, He is the One who holds everything together and keeps it all running; not Nature, Mother Nature, or any kind of evolutionary double-speak. Just Him.
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